
1949-1956 1957-1970 1971-2006 2007-2012 2013-2020 2021-2024
  • 1949
  • January

    The Northeast Chemical Bureau Research Lab (predecessor of Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry) was established.

  • 1953
  • April

    The Northeast Chemical Bureau Design Company Research Lab and the Zhejiang Provincial Chemical Industry Research Institute both became part of the Central Ministry of Heavy Industry's Chemical Bureau Beijing Chemical Research Institute, thereafter referred to as the Chemical Industry Research Institute, with a branch institute in Shenyang.

  • 1954
  • February

    The Beijing Institute, Hangzhou Institute, and Shenyang Institute were merged to become the Ministry of Heavy Industry's Chemical Industry Bureau Chemical Industry Research Institute, known in shorter form as the “Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute.”

  • 1955
  • January

    The Ministry of Heavy Industry's Chemical Industry Bureau merged the Shenyang Dyestuffs Factory and the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute's Pilot Plant and changed the name of the Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute to the Central Ministry of Heavy Industry's Northeast Chemical Industry Bureau Chemical Industry Comprehensive Research Institute.

  • 1956
  • September

    Following establishment of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the name of the Shenyang Chemical Industry Comprehensive Research Institute was changed to Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry. SYRICI’s Chemical Fertilizer Department Laboratory was moved to Shanghai, where it merged with Tianli Chemical Factory and Shanghai Acid Factory to form the Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry.

  • 1957
  • December

    The Ministry of Chemical Industry moved SYRICI's inorganic and paint labs to Tianjin, where they were merged with Tianjin Chemical Industry Research Institute and Yongming Paint Factory to from Tianjin Research Institute of Chemical Industry. Plastics, rubber, macromolecules, a portion of organic synthesis, and other departments related to chemical engineering, physical chemistry, analysis, and information were moved to Beijing to establish the Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry.

  • 1958
  • May

    SYRICI was renamed Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry Shenyang Branch.

  • 1960

    SYRICI’s name was restored to Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry and the institute resumed direct supervision by the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

  • 1965

    The Ministry of Chemical Industry moved SYRICI' s petrochemical engineering, anti-corrosives, and part of the instrument automation group to Lanzhou to merge with the Lanzhou Chemical Company Research Institute and the Chemical Machinery Institute.


    The national defense industry was moved to Qinghai to form the Liming Institute of Chemical Industry. The same year, the organosilicone and engineering plastics departments were moved to Sichuan, forming the Chenguang Institute of Chemical Industry.

  • 1970
  • October

    SYRICI was transferred to the provincial level and was placed under the Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Petrochemical Industry.

  • 1971

    The chemical machinery plant at SYRICI left the institute, becoming the Shenyang Chemical Machinery Factory.

  • 1978
  • January

    SYRICI came back under management of the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

  • 1987
  • July

    The R&D center for photosensitive technological materials of the Ministry of Chemical Industry was relocated out from SYRICI.

  • 1999
  • July

    A relevant committee of the state Council approved SYRICI as a science and technology enterprise directly under the supervision of the Central Large Enterprise Work Committee.

  • 2003
  • March

    The State Council's State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was established and SYRICI was moved under its supervision.

  • 2007
  • April

    The State Council's State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission approved reorganization of the China Sinochem Group Corporation and SYRICI, with SYRICI becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinochem.

  • September

    Sinochem Tianjin reorganized, doing an acquisition merger with Shenyang Cenkey Chemical Co., Ltd.

  • 2008
  • October

    Sinochem Tianjin reorganized, acquiring Shenyang Bomeida Chemical Co., Ltd.

  • November

    During the unification of Sinochem, Shiying Venture Capital Co. Ltd in Xiamen invested capital into SYRICI’s pilot plant, thereby establishing the Shenyang Sciencreat Chemicals Co. Ltd, with the controlling interest held by SYRICI.

  • 2009
  • July

    In accordance with Sinochem's need for comprehensive reorganization, SYRICI was renamed the Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, and the former design engineering center changed to the SYRICI Design Engineering Co., Ltd.

  • 2010
  • January

    SYRICI bought the 49% stock rights of Shenyang Sciencreat that had been held by Shiying (Xiamen) Venture Capital Co., Ltd. Sciencreat then became a wholly-owned subsidiary of SYRICI.

  • 2012
  • Septembe

    Management of Shenyang Sciencreat Co., Ltd was transferred to Sinochem Agro Co. Ltd.

  • December

    As a means of negotiating a transfer, SYRICI acquired both Shenyang Cenkey and Shenyang Bomeida. Bomeida then became a wholly-owned subsidiary of SYRICI, while SYRICI held a controlling interest in Cenkey.

  • 2015
  • June

    Incorporation of Shenyang Sinochem Pesticide Industry R&D Ltd.

  • 2016
  • February

    Incorporation of Shenyang Sinochem Advanced Material Science and Technology Co. Ltd.

  • October

    Shenyang Sinochem Pesticide Industry R&D, Ltd transferred its stock rights to Sinochem International.

  • November

    SYRICI signed an equity transfer agreement with Sinochem Tianjin, transferring Shenyang Bomeida to Sinochem Tianjin.

  • December

    As part of the Sinochem Group structural reorganization, SYRICI was repositioned under the Strategic Business Unit (SBU) of Chemicals of Sinochem Group.

  • 2017
  • September

    Work assignments and personnel management of the Chemical Industry Process Safety Technology Center (Shenyang Reaction Risk Research Center) (under the Shanghai Sinochem Science and Technology Co., Ltd of the Strategic Business Unit (SBU) of Chemicals of Sinochem Group) were returned to SYRICI.

  • 2018
  • April

    Establishment of Shanghai SYRICI, Ltd.

  • May

    Establishment of Shenyang SYRICI Testing Co., Ltd.

  • September

    SYRICI Design Engineering Co., Ltd was transferred to the Sinochem Environment Holdings Co., Ltd (referred to as “Sinochem Environment”).

  • 2019
  • November

    Establishment of SYRICI Ltd Ningxia Branch Institute.

  • 2020
  • May

    Shenyang SYRICI Testing Co., Ltd.(SYRICIT)held Zhejiang Yangtze River Delta Chemical Safety Evaluation Co., Ltd. through capital increase.

  • Dec

    Establishment of SINOCHEM Safety Science Research(Shenyang)Co., Ltd.

    Shenyang SYRICI Testing Co., Ltd.(SYRICIT)and Linjiang New Area Management Committee of Haimen District of Nantong city jointly established SYRICI Testing Technology (Nantong) Co., Ltd.

  • 2021
  • August

    Sinochem Holdings relied on Sinochem Safe, a subsidiary of SYRICI, to establish " Sinochem Holdings Chemical Safety Technology Innovation Center"

  • 2022
  • February

    The management relationship of SYRICI was adjusted from the Chemical SBU of Sinochem Group to the headquarters of Sinochem Holdings, as a direct management unit of the headquarters.

  • 2023
  • December

    SINOCHEM Safety Science Research(Shenyang)Co., Ltd. was deregistered.

  • 2024
  • March

    Ningxia Branch of SYRICI was deregistered.
